Friday, December 4, 2015

Cups and more Cups

I know, I know, I have away from here for a couple of months. I have to figure it out a better way to do the stuff I like. I want to do everything and as a result I don't do much.

The latest is that I have done so many cups, 25 to be exact. I need so many things to work better, a potter's wheel to star, fallow by a kiln and a space to be dedicated only to clay and fun stuff, like glass and watercolor. I have talked with contractors and designers and I now I have a drawing and an estimate. Next thing is to find the money, easy right?

So my way to start this big project is with something small. Selling cups myself, usually I give my things to the galleries and they take care of it, they also take a big percentage. So I am going to try to sell things myself in addition to the galleries.

Here is my add, I am running a test on FB to get more people to know me, the more I know the better the chances to find someone who will buy from me.

Click Here to see all my cups, and if you can share it to your friends.

I have more news, but is 2 am and I super tired. I tell you more soon. Check my FB page to find out more about me and my cups.

Thank you so much,


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